Sunday, October 17, 2021

The Royal Family of Nylana

Jamus Nylana

Nylana's succession tradition of having the royal children compete for the right to the throne is ancient; the tradition of them murdering each other before the competition to ensure their gaining the throne is less so, with many even believing that it began with Jamus Nylana. All that's really known is that when his father Rabin Nylana decreed that the heirs should return and compete, no one returned but Jamus and frightening rumors.
Now that the world is ending, rumors are that he is hunting down his children the way he once hunted his brothers and sisters.

Children of Nylana

Jamus had two wives, an elf-woman named Nyanath, and a human woman named Lealla. Between the two of them, he had seventeen children, with all of them fifteen and older being away on their pilgrimage,

Nyanath's Children:

  1. Doaval, 40
  2. Jacam, 38
  3. Erid, 36
  4. Tamah, 33
  5. Isimrell, 30
  6. Aeraeth, 29
  7. Hannavel, 21
  8. Enylan, 16

Lealla's Children:

  1. Orenna, 33
  2. Arull, 33
  3. Ren, 30
  4. Layla, 28
  5. Adelyn, (Thalia) 23?
  6. Janell, 16
  7. Rysh, 7
  8. Sylva,7
  9. Alvek, 5

Thalia--In Castle Nylana, A One-Shot

The Guard

The Guard has minimal access to the castle--they can get in no further than the castle barracks and battlements. If Thalia tries to speak with them, they will be friendly, and open to a simple persuasion attempt to help take the city back. Being either caught or revealing herself, she will be brought to General Adul Anameras. If caught, she will meet the general in the dungeon, or if she reveals herself, in the general's quarters.
The Guard has been separate from the main bulk of the castle for three years, though Adul has been in contact with Queen Nyanath (the elf queen) for most of that time. Adul does not know what has been going on there, except that Nyanath assures her they have adequate protection. The castle staff, including cooks and cleaners, has been inside the castle for as long, without any contact with anyone outside the castle itself. The estimated staff is around 40 people, and as far as Adul has been able to tell, none of them are native to Nylana, or at the very least they seem to have no family in the city.

The Castle

The castle is eerily quiet. The halls and rooms are empty, and aside from lit candles and lanterns, any signs of life are dusty, as though they were dropped months or years ago in the middle of things. The age of the abandonment varies from room to room. 

The royalty quarters are the only place of interest. There is a single maid standing outside the royal chambers, but her skin is ashen, and her hair gray, frayed, and lifeless. She attacks Thalia on sight.
The room on the right is Thalia's mother's room, Queen Lealla, the left Queen Nyanath's, and the Center King Jamus's.
In Lealla's room, her corpse lays on the bed, slightly shriveled, as if mummifying rapidly. She has been laid out peacefully, and there is a hole through her chest over her heart, about the size of a large coin. In her hands is a dagger with an inscription on the blade that reads "For Thalia". (This blade is the blade of Lealla and when held by a mortal has an incorporeal blade, and when held by a ghost or elemental, has a physical blade).
Nyanath's room is ransacked. There are letters everywhere, mostly discussing discoveries about the cult of Kathelia. One letter is left neatly on the nightstand, unopened, and addressed to Joehva from Jamus. It mentions discusses his fear for her, as she has already given her soul up, that he cannot save her as he is saving the rest of the family.
Jamus's room is empty. No furniture, no rugs, no carpet. A secret passage through the fireplace is wide open, and leads down steep steps to a dungeon-like place. There is a chamber at the bottom, lit by a  single torch, and the shade of Kasadek guards it.
Through the chamber, there is another outfitted as an infirmary. A girl lies in the bed, with green hair, and firm, yet supple, blue skin, similar to a ripe grape. After a moment, Thalia recognizes her as Hannavel Nylana.
As for the orb, it is a Liad seed, and thanks to the spells Kasadek placed on her, rather than a new Liad growing and feeding off her body, she will become a Liad in 1d12 (9) days.

Session 23--The Trial of the Slaver's Mark

Fixing the Rudder

After the fight with the demons, the rudder needed fixing, so the party landed the ship, fortunately right on the bank of the river in the village Largra. The chieftain required a fee of 1000 gold for the party to have their ship landed and request repairs. Thalia paid it up, and in his surprise the chieftain personally escorted them through the village to his fishermen, who (with the chieftain's prompting) charged 4500 gold for the repair. The party members were amused by the whole thing, and were quickly on their way.

On their way again, Ahnrik "remembered" (he knew the whole time, but I hadn't informed Ryan about the newly invented lore yet,) that they would need a designated slaver, someone who earned the right to sell slaves by winning an unarmed one-on-one fight to the death. After some discussion, it was decided that Amisha would play the role of lead slaver, and they would send Akari in to earn the slaver's mark.


The temple is a black monolith, a long thorn that bends light around itself to appear pierce the sky, draining a power from it. Clouds for miles are drawn into it, and the sun's light is harsh and dimming at the same time near it. Statues of Traia depict her in the form of a Liad woman, crying tears of anger, and either mauling Shaefev with her wrist blades or weeping over a decayed heart in her hands.
The party flew in close, circling to get a look at the city before they landed. They saw the population was mostly a mix of orcs and liad, with an occasional slave of another race dotted in. There were also strange skeletons shrouded in sand mixed in, and orcs with dried skin, cracked and bleeding around the eyes and mouth.
Having done some reconnaissance, and seeing that the city's army was gathering and following beneath the ship, they landed in an empty slaver's field. 
General Luroz met them at the head of the army, and Amisha introduced herself as a haughty self-important slaver, requesting a slaver's trial. Luroz was unimpressed, and forced a search of the ship. After the search, he declared them as allowed to enter as slaver's but he would be taking the ship.
Amisha made a fuss about how it would take a lot of resources and expert knowledge to pilot, but Luroz just smirked and boasted of Velg's bounteous loot and enslaved researchers pouring in daily.
At Ahnrik's suggestion, Amisha tried a more humble angle of how their ship was actually rather crude and poorly made, and that they would be better off using their resources to make a better ship.
Luroz conceded that they would rather have better ships, and would allow the party to keep the vessel on the conditions that his people would have free run of the ship, and that Amisha herself competed to earn the slaver's mark, to which Amisha agreed.

The Trial of the Slaver's Mark

As soon as the deal was made, General Luroz ordered for a gladiator to be brought in, and the fight would commence immediately. This allowed Amisha about five minutes to make a plan, as her expertise is in trickery and not unarmed hand-to-hand combat.
Akari cast Quickness on her, and Ahnrik cast Conceal Arcana on all of them to allow for secret spellcasting during the fight. 
Luroz's gladiator was a grizzled seven foot tall rakashan with a Snow Tiger pattern, his fang chipped and a scar running down his neck.
Amisha struck first, subtly changing her form to have claws instead of nails and striking at him, but didn't land the hit.  Akari quickly Cursed his fighting, before he could respond, and he wasn't quite able to land a blow. Amisha struck again, and the hit was good, but he didn't even flinch at the cut on his chest. He lashed out to slash her throat and she dodged, but he followed up with a fistful of sand at her eyes, blinding her momentarily.
Angered at the trick (as it is minor sin for a priestess of Mocaeis to fall for a trick), she ground her own fistful of dirt into her eyes, screeching at him. Shaken by the ferocity of it, the Rakashan failed to dodge Amisha's following strike at his arm, which tore through the muscles and a tendon, and the pain sent him into unconsciousness.
Everyone was amazed at the victory, particularly the orcs that had bet against her with Anira, and Luroz upheld his end of the bargain, sending the Tattooist to Amisha, who got the chained fist tattooed on her lower rib.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Session 22

Loneil left to do important god things, and demons sent by Jousus attacked the ship, appearing suddenly. The party fought them off, and Loneil returned to give a gift of protection to the party after having sensed their fight.

Saturday, September 25, 2021


Liad—The Lost Race

Little is currently known about the Liad, but those who work with them (Orcs and slaves mostly,) have heard them refer to themselves as the Lost People, and speak of their desires to take back the 'wet' or 'lit' world.

Retractable Blades
The Liad have two blade-like bones that they can retract and conceal into their wrists. These deal Str+d6 damage.

Natural Venom
Liad's wrist-blades are lubricated by a toxic oil produced by glands in the wrist pouch, causing victims to make a vigor roll or be paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. If the vigor roll is a critical failure, they roll on the injury table for a permanent wound (reversible by a successful Greater Healing spell, if otherwise unwounded at the time the spell is cast).

Lost Race/Enemy Race
Since the dawn of mortality, the Liad have lived hunted and alone in the Woaden world of Traia. Even with Traia's help, most can barely speak the languages of the Sky-lit lands. During the War of Traia, Liad suffer a -6 to charisma due to language barriers and being the enemies of literally everyone. After the war ends, they have a -2 due to their being the "Evil Race".

Session 21

 The Temple of the God of Life

The final morning of travel to the temple, Amisha hears a sharp cry of pain from her pocket, and a light from her coin is missing. The face of Mocaeis grimaces, and tells her that one of her fellow priests has perished at the hands of the Liad, and she must hurry. It does not respond to anything she says, and soon the god's face returns to its typical ear-to-ear grin.

Cult of Kathelia

The cult of Kathelia are here before the party. At the entrance to the temple there are two (hidden) Khazoks, which attack when the party closes in. Once the fight begins, assassins leave stealth to join the fight. The entrance to the temple is in a wild, once-maintained garden. Near the main doors is a pit, with the carcass of a dog hung over it. The temple is built from a strange calming yellow sandstone that doesn't match any of the nearby geology.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6 
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Stealth d10 
Pace: 6
Parry: 5
Toughness: 7 (2)
Treasure: Meager, per every 5 khazoks
Special Abilities
Armor +2 Rocky shell 
Bite: Str+d6
Camouflage: While not moving, khazoks resemble small boulders. Characters actively searching for danger suffer –4 to their Notice rolls. Khazoks which aren’t detected strike with surprise, getting the Drop on their unsuspecting foes.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Stealth d8, Shooting d6, Streetwise d6, Throwing d6 
Pace: 6
Parry: 6
Toughness: 6 (1) 
Various Edges: Alertness, First Strike, Thief 
Treasure: Meager 
Gear: Leather armor (+1), short sword (Str+d6), throwing knives (Range: 3/6/12, Damage: Str+d4)
Special Abilities
Poison: The quickest way to kill someone is with poison. A typical poison requires a Vigor roll at –2 or take an automatic wound.

Inside the temple are various monsters, cultists, and traps.

Items to be discovered:
  • Any NON-story altering rando loot
  • Journal of a cultist (Annaya Lest)
    • Explains what they're up to, in some small detail: "The would-be saviors of the gods are supposed to be arriving sometime this week, Holvalda says Kathelia told him herself; though I have my doubts, it is also written in Volume 24583 of Our Lady's Visions. While I couldn't bear the consequences I would face if it should happen, I still almost wish us to lose, just to see them wipe that superior look off his pointy face. Perhaps if I were to kill him in the fight, no one would notice it was me and not self-fancied heroes who did it... In any event, I'm glad I got to create the Khazoks. As hard as it was to kill the poor puppy, it was such a thrill to finally get to use my bone flute!"
    • Reveals that the cult uses bone flutes and the blood of animal or intelligent beings to infuse power into something else--the air for visions, though it is limited to events connected to the blood of the sacrifice; inanimate objects to enchant or animate; people to enhance. The cult initially gained power and influence due to its ability to grant actual knowledge and inherent power to its members.
  • The Hearkener's Prophecy
    • A book written by the Hearkener of the God of Life, whose name was Vovaenis, which contains the history of Vovaenzol, and thus the history of the creation of the world and of mortal kind. Reading this enlightens Loneil, and he gains a higher level of knowledge of everything from it. Importantly to the party, it ends with the Prophecy, a clear statement of what needs to be done: "I shall build the Godly Tomb, though my God is not dead, but lost, and send them by this word to that Godly Tomb, where they shall restore him. I fear for the survival of the world; if their enemies should prevail at that day, and Traia lose either her power or destroy Shaefev's divinity, then the world, even the universe may fall from their discord—yet Traia's own limited power prevents my writing here the full solution. But as Vovaenis wishes, if they can bring their master to that Godly Tomb, and call him forth by his True Name, he will be restored."
The cultists' primary objective is to retrieve the Eye of Issald, and will make called shots for the eye as often as possible. Each cultist wants the honor of retrieving it themselves.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Session 20

So this time I'm being even more lazy! I am only adding the barest notes, the ones I feel are important, instead of racking my brain to remember every detail from last time. IF THERE IS A DETAIL YOU THINK IS IMPORTANT AND I MISSED IT, POST IT AS A COMMENT! These session posts are literally just my planning notes with important game details added, and important things you missed removed, but THEY ARE WHERE I CHECK TO BE SURE I DIDN'T MISS IMPORTANT THINGS! COMMENT WITH YOUR IMPORTANT DETAILS!!! 


The Avion Bandit
In town, Amisha, Akari, and Anneara stop at an inn/tavern. An avion is bragging about a time that he was involved with a questionable troup, and how he had this one musical cat girl who played the theorbo awestruck by him. He says quite a lot of rude and inappropriate (made up) things about Akari, and in return, she used telekinesis to embarrass (and nearly kill) him.

The Slaver's Den
In High peak, there is rumor of the great and dark temple built by the horde of Velg. A successful streetwise check will lead the party to a den of thieves who've helped with the slave trade into Velg. While slavery is widely legal, kidnapping people to use as slaves is not. In Rocg, and most places, forced slavery is punishable by death, however a person (or their parent/guardian) may sell themselves into slavery to pay a debt. These thieves are kidnappers, and they deal with Velg. The beggar who reveals the den to the party shares a codephrase—"revenge comes"—which he heard a month ago and that they can use to gain entry to the hideout. When Thalia showed kindness to the beggar, he asked that she both find out what happened to his daughter (whom they kidnapped), and kill Thadeo, who he believes was the specific kidnapper, and is definitely running the operation in this part of Rocg.
The party entered the den through the roof, killed Thadeo and his men, and released the prisoners (among which was Gene Erica). While this was happening, Loneil sent Thadeo's mother on a pilgrimage/quest to Khalkazar. They found directions to the slaver's drop-off point in Velg.

The Juggernaut of Crowta

See their page. It has more information than you guys discovered in game, you lucky sons of guns.

Traveling to the Temple of the God of Life

Ran in to the Leviathan's Breath, which had been commandeered and reconstructed by the Ship's Skank to be a flying ship, which the Skank renamed The Flying Bale
A flying ship arrives, throwing burning bale's of hay through a hole bored out the bottom.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Children of Crowta

Mythology of Crowta

The legend of Crowta has spread rapidly in Rocg, thanks to Taerik Fousthle, the elf man that Amisha first tricked into believing in Crowta. The arising mythology says that after he was shipwrecked on the Day of Woad, Crowta herself saved him from the Woaden Sea, taking him back to the temple where she first revealed herself to him. There, she instructed him to gather all who would be saved by her compassion, and build the walking fortress from the fallen Mocaeis' ruined temple. 
The Children of Crowta did so, and called the walking fortress Juggernaut, as Crowta wills that they never cease their motion. Men, women, and children all take their turn pushing the temple across the plains and savannahs. They have trampled farms, crushed homes, and taken in all refugees.
Where exactly they are going is not a concern, as they follow 'Crowta', and what will happen when they get wherever Crowta is leading them is simplified to "being saved".


The Juggernaut is an unstoppable refuge for all who would enter. It is a massive, pyramidal, mostly wooden structure, featuring a stone building at the top. It is painted a splotchy black, with plain wood visible in some places, and black banners covering others. Crow feathers and crow symbols are abundant, as is the number of crows that follow the Juggernaut. There are windows in many places, and arrows and scorch marks on the sides. The wheels can be heard as far off as the chanting can, as they groan under the weight of the Juggernaut, but they and the walkers are hidden from view behind and beneath the Juggernaut walls. There are blood stains on the front walls of it.
It is also being pulled by five elephants, and several camps with other elephants are ahead of it. The Juggernaut has a pace of 3, and any difficulty of terrain brings it to a 1.
The chanting of the walkers can be heard for miles, repeating over and over: "Crowta save us, Crowta by your Mercy! Crowta wilt thou ever guide us and those who join our everlasting crusade."

Crowta's Children

The Children are not hostile towards anyone, however they follow 'Crowta', which happens to be whatever crow Taerik is pretty sure is Crowta, and they don't stop for anything. There are a number of warriors who have taken up the faith, and they protect the juggernaut with their lives. Twenty guard each elephant, and two hundred walk along the outside of the Juggernaut, chanting as loud as they can. Archers and wizards are ready at the windows as well, for if Crowta wills them through a village, then they will go, and the ungrateful children of those homes tend to fight back. 
This also happens to be how the Juggernaut stays fed, however. Refugees will bring whatever they have, and their belongings are added to the community share, but there aren't enough joining. The warriors (who also call themselves Juggernauts, as they hold strongly to the ideal of moving forward unstopped) tend to pillage whatever towns or villages they trample.
Those who have less faith and more desire to belong to a strong community may share that they feel that this is more a bandit party in disguise than a religion, but not in the presence of the devout. Some of the slightly less devout, but still faithful, Children of Crowta argue back that if this were true, there wouldn't be such a large number of people sent out to hunt and forage for the Children.

The Vigil

Despite their belief that they are being led by Crowta, it is still vital to the Children that a coin be left at the top of the tallest structure. Whenever they come to a new town, the most devoted race to climb the tallest structure to leave their 'Vigil Coin'. Whoever manages it first is honored for a time, and given a larger share of the goods taken. There are usually many who go to the slightly shorter buildings (or trees), as the Juggernaut has occasionally destroyed the tallest building.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Session 19--(Please excuse my switching between past and present tense)

End of the Day

Session 18 ended with a coming together of the party and their friends sharing information and resting after a lot of shopping. Loneil suggests that they enjoy their last night (for the forseeable future) in nice soft beds, and leave early the next day. Since these are high class rooms, there are nice baths drawn up for them in their rooms. When Thalia undresses for her nightly bath, she sees a purple bulge in her lower right abdomen. Seven light blue tendrils extend outwards, moving like a growing root across her, and her full memories from Nylana come back.
As Ahnrik falls asleep, he is visited in a dream by Luzak. She greets him with a pout, saying "Ahnrik, my pretty little Saurian boy, why haven't you told me what you learned about Kathelia? I asked you so nicely..."

Arrival of Mocaeis

In the morning, Mocaeis arrives at the inn, out of breath and in a rush to speak to Amisha. He bursts in on her, and gives her a token in his colors, with five glowing segments on the edge of it and one dull segment. He explains that he has been on the run since the Day of Woad, and his priests are in mortal danger from anyone tied to another god, should they know their identity. The segments signify his last priests, and should they die, the world is doomed. He needs his True Secret to be discovered by his priest before then, or he is powerless to stop it. The only clue he offers are to find The Godly Tomb, and to trust Yaalasar for advice.
A screech is heard in the distance, and Mocaeis runs, pure terror in his eyes. The assault begins right after.

Assault of Audrock

The Liad assault happens without warning, as a war tree throws a boulder that smashes a nearby building, and the party runs out into the streets crammed with other people who also want to get out.
The Liad attack with an army consisting of 400 Liad Soldiers, 2 War trees, and 20 earth elementals. Mixed among them are priests of Jousus.
As the party flees, the ground begins to quake, and arrows fall from the sky. Phillip took one in the arm, and was downed (but not killed!) by it. Enicha soon also was hit, and while she was still able to keep going, she was quite hurt.
After a while of fighting the Avions sent out several clunky flying ships to pour burning oil on the war trees, which deals them 3d8 fire damage, with a chance to catch fire. When they reached the gate, Anira threw all her ingredients together into the biggest possible batch of teleportation potion, and got the whole party through the gate, just as the city tears away from the earth, flying upwards until it's stopped by a giant chain tethering it to the ground.
The Liad army was encircling the city at this point, and noticing the party trying to escape made a run to cut them off, but unsuccessfully. Once they got far enough to rest for a minute, Loneil and Ahnrik set to healing people, and got the whole party back to full health.

The Trail to Highpeak

Fortunately for travelers brave enough to risk the road by foot from Audrock to Highpeak, thunderbirds are visible from the path, but rarely come close enough to be a concern. Eli gets  There is a shelter on the path, about halfway through the trail. It's cold up there and some of the party members were uncomfortable. They passed the shelter and made camp much closer to Highpeak.
Near to morning, Akari noticed three orc scouts coming up the trail from Highpeak, and woke everyone. They turned out to be from the Rocg Tribes, and were surprised and disappointed to hear about Audrock. One of them turned back to tell the news to his tribe, and the others continued on their trail to deliver a message to Audrock.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Liad-An epistle from General Estvein

The Liad are a people recognizable by their light blue skin and green hair.  They seem to be plant people made in the age of the other races—they are male and female and they nurse their babies as the other races, but they wilt and die if locked in the dark, and they have a sweet sap-like nectar instead of blood. It is rumored that this nectar is what Liad mothers nurse their children with, rather than milk, though no one has found proof of this.
In combat they are fierce opponents, as capable as our own soldiers, and possessing a retractable, thorny spine on their forearms which they can administer a paralyzing venom with. They seem to greatly fear fire, however, and use of flaming arrows has proven effective in skirmishes with them.


Shades are dead souls brought back to the world either by very powerful necromancers or by Jousus himself, and are bound to whoever summoned them. They look as they did in life, though darker, as if black pigment was mixed into their skin and clothes. The most telling cue is their eyes, which are black where they should be white.
They return to the world of the living with all the skills and knowledge they had in life, as well as with newfound sorcery.
They are not truly ethereal, but can remove their physical presence to the ethereal realm at will, and while still visible, are invulnerable to physical attacks, which simply pass through them. A young shade may not be able to fully go incorporeal, and may be somewhat affected these attacks.
Shades can be forced to remain fully in the physical realm if they are dusted with salt.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Session 18

Having gotten the Eye of Issald, the party decided to go to Velg, and to pass through Cloudholle to save time, rather than going around the mountain range. Audrock being the first city in the mountain pass, they headed there.
On the first day of travel, they found an abandoned church being reclaimed by nature. After a quick search, Amisha found a rotting and rusted chest with bound steel plates. From what was legible of it, it turned out to be a cross of scripture and the ancient priest's journal. The journal revealed that it had been a church of the God of Life, and the last plates were filled with despair about the disappearance of his god.
The day after that, they met a young hermit and his pig. He was excited to see them, and invited them to come in and eat his honey barley portage. he introduced himself as Phillip, and his pig as Gretsa. After a some conversation, he decided to come with them to experience a party and a city.

Audrock is being overrun with elven refugees, mainly farmers, hunters, and miners.
Audrock is a military base, where Cloudhollen scouts and spies are especially prevalent, due to the city's access to other nations.
 Avions have an empirical attitude, with a large, disciplined military, and a classist attitude, evident in their clothing. Avions wear a tightly wound strip cloth, which wraps around the torso and individual legs. The higher classes wear longer, thinner cloths that are embroidered and decorated with beads, multiple colors, or other embellishments, while the lowest class wears simple wide and undyed cloths. These cloths are called teipen, and to not wear one in public is seen as indecent and an indication of being below the lowest of society.

Refugees were lined up to get into town when the party arrived. They sent Enicha into town to investigate, and she quickly returned with teipen for everyone. She informed them that refugees were being put to work mining out the ground on all sides of the town, and a goblin blacksmith had been hired to make a massive chain.
Akari told a bunch of refugees all about everything. Most of them were from Theretsa and Thelsinosa, and those who were close enough to see Enicha with her stolen crown believed it. That night, an elven man attempted to steal the crown, which Enicha had given to Gretsa to guard. The party (and refugees) were awakened by the combined screams of Gretsa and the elfin man, whose arm the pig was chomping down on. 
With some persuasion from Amisha and some healing from Ahnrik (along with a bribe,) everything got cleared up.
A few minutes later, an Avion patrol come to investigate, and as the party was wearing their stolen teipen, they were invited to skip the refugee line and come in the city. They directed to an inn, and the evening adventures were ended.
The following morning, Thalia got Enicha to take all the teipen back in exchange for a really expensive one, and she did. 
Loneil did some talking to learn about the mysterious goddess Traia, and came up with nothing, except that Nogrum has been established as her hearkener, and his generals and military men established as priests. 

Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Cult of Kathelia

In 857 Kathelia, a disciple of Luzak, developed a significant following in Melran, claiming to be able to teach people to cast massively powerful spells in a matter of hours. She was also known for her unique ability to predict the future, telling of specific details and the precise moments they would occur.
Kathelia was dark haired and plump even by halfling standards, yet her following grew rapidly and was a matter of great controversy. Kathelia only shared her knowledge and her power with those who swore loyalty to her and secrecy to the order, but her claims were backed by tangible evidence: impoverished laborers became knowledgeable sorcerers overnight, the Manticore of Laraslithu arose from the Dead Lake at twelve minutes past dawn, the same moment that King Juaven publicly tripped and dropped his infant son off the palace balcony. Many of her prophecies were of such unfortunate events, which only strengthened the resolve of her enemies.
To this day it is uncertain how Kathelia predicted the future, as even the prophecies of hearkeners and even their gods are known to fail as the competing efforts of gods and heroes changes fate. Some of her prophecies (such as the simultaneous arrival of the Manticore and death of the Litryn prince) were made years in advance, which caused some to say she arranged things to happen herself, much as the gods do. However, this seems unlikely, as no other known sorcerer including her own followers have ever been able to conjure a beast that could survive the lethal waters of Jousus's own birthplace.
Kathelia was also the first to use dandelion milk to stabilize alchemical spells, earning her the modern title of "mother of alchemy", and in a rare moment of her keeping in with traditional Luzakian principles, she shared that knowledge in the first witches coven. Unfortunately for her, that same knowledge was used to destroy her and her innermost followers, as a priest of Zaerel took it upon himself to rid the world of what he and many others called an evil society.

Session 17--King Orosa and the God of Flight

Having found the Eye of Issald, the party began investigating the hidden library. Remembering 1512 (with a minor hint from the game master), Annira found a tome of the Cult of Kathelia, specifically regarding the end of the Holne Era. Upon her initial investigations of the time, she discovered several references to the party and their adventures, a warning to find the good among the Liad, and mentions that "it would be best for the Eye of Issald to be used by Ahnrik, Annira, or the God of Flight". It is unclear whether this is in reference to the good of the general population or to the purposes of the Cult.

Kurik pulled Ahnrik aside during library reading to tell him that she's been in a bit of a funk, and really doesn't know what's going on, or how it relates to their personal quest to free Velg, or at least their own family. Ahnrik agreed, and persuaded the rest of the party that they should turn their attention to Velg. Loniel said he was willing to also investigate Velg, as he was concerned that events there would affect his personal goals.

Quest goals established, the party left the private library, and found dozens of men holding boards, bricks, hammers, and other tools and materials, but they weren't actually accomplishing anything. The foreman addressed the party, angrily demanding why they weren't helping with the top priority construction of the new wing. Annira immediately grabbed a brick to fit in, and Thalia immediately bolted for the door. After a fight that included people grabbing bricks, workers ganging up on Thalia, and everyone killing construction workers (who puffed into mist), the party followed the sound of the best music they had ever heard into a small chamber.
The music was being played by the triplet gods of music. After having Akari play some music for them, they agreed to take her on as a student, although they couldn't decide how they were going to go about that. They gave her an ocarina and said they'd be in touch. 

Finally, the party escaped the castle. Upon exiting, they came face to face with the ghost of King Orosa, who demanded a subject to possess, which would allow him to leave the castle boundaries. Everyone denied, so he decided to take an unwilling host. He threw rocks at everyone simultaneously, dealing all but (Eli? Levi?) two wounds. Loniel intervened and banished the ghost to a piece of rubble doorknob. He then came clean with the party, saying that if they were already willingly putting themselves in so much danger then there was no real reason to keep his identity secret. He then healed everyone's wounds, including growing back Levi's leg.

Annira took the Eye of Issald, the cursed doorknob, and Tome 1512 with her Thalia took Tome 1.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Session 16: The Eye of Issald

 Continuing their search, the party encountered a gelatinous cube, found a secret passage to the throne room, and ignored an amazing smelling meal in the kitchen.

A drake was coiled up and ending its hibernation in the Throne Room. Annira found a slot in the throne for the three glass balls she took, and promptly placed them inside. Three magical auras were released, two shooting out into the castle, and one going into Anira, showing her a path. Following the path led the party to a secret library which contained a handful of books of Luzak and 1600 numbered tomes. A quick search of the room led the party to find the Eye of Issald.

The Hearkener's Spear tried to force Anira to replace her own eye with the Eye of Issald, but she successfully resisted it.

Session 15--Stagwell & Castle Orosa

Ahnrik's Vision

In a half dream half trance during the river ride to Stagwell, Luzak appears to Ahnrik in a way that feels half real. She appears in her natural form, and addresses him by name and runs her hand up the side of his face, pausing to carress the base of his horns. He did not like that.

The Statue of Kathelia

As Annira examined it, the statue whipped its head around, hair flailing, looked her dead in the eye and said "remember fifteen hundred and twelve." Then it winked, and went back to normal. In its left hand the statue held a bone flute, sharpened at the end, which Thalia took.
After some investigation of the room, the ghost of King Orosa appeared. He wasn't happy to see them, but after some conversation, he was persuaded to go back to his investigations--of whatever he does in his spare time.

Leaving the Study

On the way back out, Ahnrik found three enchanted glass balls, which Anira took.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


There are numerous gods known and unknown throughout the world, and many of the gods have numerous religions. In the known world, the "civilized" nations mainly follow the same religions, but throughout the various tribes, clans, villages and monasteries of the land, there are both variations in the religions as well as a larger variety of religion.
For example, the priesthood of Jousus in Thelsinosa treat death somberly, holding quiet, mournful funerals and having great fear of Jousus; at the same time in Meritar—despite technically being the same religion and being home to the Hearkener—funerals are a vibrant celebration of the life of those who moved on, and Jousus is respected as a father figure who guides you to the afterlife.
In truth, Jousus is death an justice embodied, and cares only for how you conducted your life according to the vows you made to others and yourself. This much is evident in speaking with the spirits of those who either evaded Jousus's judgement or were found to be unworthy of a reward or a punishment, and can be found roaming the earth.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Session 14

Loneil Hermeson

The morning after the encounter with the warrior monks of Zaerel, a massive field is encountered littered with the corpses of three full grown giants. The corpses are attracting a horde of Scaled Hares, and a large but youthful avion man no older than 18 is mourning the deaths of the giants. They appear to have been killed by thrown boulders and lightning strikes.

The avion introduced himself as Loniel Hermeson, and is seven foot tall with dirty blonde hair. His wing color matches his hair color at the arms but gets browner at the tips and primaries/secondaries. He is wearing simple brown breeches and a silk blue wrap. He carries a wrapped bo staff. He has been searching for the Eye of Issald himself, and is interested to accompany the party.

River God Osmouth

Typically, Osmouth ignores mortals and spends his time wooing Nyads, but his lord and father is missing, so he is flooding the river and searching for salt to give Shaefev a way back to the world. The river was too swollen and violent to cross. A quick search nearby revealed a salt mining town half flooded by the river. Minimal convincing was required for the townsfolk to agree to let Osmuth flood their mine to allow a place for Shaefev to return to. In gratitude for their help, 

Gorklun the Fortune Teller—Diamonds

Camped on the road is an elderly hobgoblin, wearing dreadlocks, gold disk earrings, and a once formal but now patchy maroon captain's coat. He has a covered hand cart that reads FORTUNE TELLER on the side. Based on the paint job, the jangling, and the smells of incense from the cart, he is either a good fortune teller, or a good crook.

When the party arrives, he introduces himself as Gorklun the Fortune Teller, and says he will tell them their fortunes for a petty 1500 gold. After minor debating, and Ahnrik casting detect arcana to see if it's legit, several of the party members ask their fortune. Ahnrik was told that he and his family could be free of the tyranny of Velg, but only depending on his actions. Eli was told he'd  find monsters. Amisha got a real prophecy:

Seek the patronage of Luzak, and the companionship of Velg's Redeemer. Follow the traveller of the skies through the halls of Khalkazar, and mend the broken oaths.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Goddess of Nature

The first daughter of Shaefev is perhaps also the most bizarre, appearing as a centaur in shape, with the head and body of a woman crossed with the body of a horse as is typical. Her front legs however are human, with green and brown feathers covering from the feet up to the hip. The feathers themselves are peculiar, starting as avion-like feathers at the foot and becoming more round and hard until they become actual scales where the leg joins the body. She has the eyes of a large cat, and at times is reported to have wings, which are always said to extend from her human shoulders halfway down her horse back, and to be around fifty feet from tip to tip. Due to the rarity of these sightings, it is argued whether or not she ever has wings, but as sightings of Jegzel are highly rare anyway, and the fact that the commentary on the wings is consistent, many believe that she can choose to have wings or not.
There is a religion that worships Jegzel as their chosen deity, but she has only once been seen at one of her few temples, and has not chosen anyone to be her priests. Some few druids exist however, who claim to see Jegzel in person regularly, and who visit the temple on occasion. Typically these druids are more pretenders than anything, but on some occasions they have a wild glint in their eye that makes those who meet them inclined to believe them.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Decline of Mocaeis

The war of the gods was a long and brutal affair, from a mortal perspective if not a god's perspective. Much knowledge and history of the gods was lost as a result of that great war, especially in relation to the god of mischief and his twin sister, the goddess of valor, though Mocaeis especially was one to keep his secrets, even from the other gods.
Shaefev and Zaerel are said by their priests to be the parents of the twin gods, though neither Yaalasar not Mocaeis's religions pay honor to the parents of their god. 

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Session 13--Chores for Myhanor

Traveling By Foot

The trip to Castle Orosa is either 464 or 654 miles long, depending on the roads taken, which comes down to either a minimum of 29 (most direct) or 41 (by road)days. However, everyone bought horses in Myahnor, which brought the rest of the trip down to 16 days total. They have traveled 7 days and a total of 228 miles. They decided to go to Nylana before they go to Castle Orosa.


Further inland, the change hasn't been so obvious—the Woaden Sea doesn't extend this far, and the few creatures that have moved in are non-threatening so far; the only monsters to have shown up are Scaled Hares, which like to rub against livestock and pur, and which also feed on carrion. They can be annoying, but not overly problematic.

The tanner: Scaled hares have been getting into his tannery and eating his raw skins. He is willing to actually sell his four horses if the party helps him exterminate the hares

The village elder (of Myhanor): A werewolf has been attacking the village, and just last night killed a young couple's toddler. He gave his horses to the party in exchange for them killing the werewolf. Thalia paid for the couple's funeral expenses, and they gave her a donkey in gratitude for her kindness and for helping to kill the werewolf.

War Monks of Zaerel

A battalion of War Monks bearing the Raining Sun of Zaerel as their banner show up, near enough to be a problem wherever the party is at the time. The squad is led by a priest of Zaerel, and initiated an attack on sight. Only the priest survived the attack

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Sunstone Elementals

Sunstone Elementals are exactly the same as regular earth elementals except that they are formed entirely from sunstone. Only a single point on their body is charged, but it moves across their whole body at random. This charged spot is extremely weak, and if hit  the whole elemental will turn to dust that floats away. 

Woad Elk

 Giant Elk from the Woaden Sea that hunt in packs. They have three eyes with red cat-like pupils and a mouth that opens too far and is filled with razor sharp teeth.


Skottlers are dog sized creatures with six legs that can walk on water and scour the sea for prey and carrion.

Session 12

The party escaped the palace of Thelsinosa and immediately went to see how the ship fared. They found it sunk halfway to the sea floor with two holes in the hull, but otherwise intact.

The king of Thelsinosa tried to pray to Shaefev by making a saltwater pool. Shaefev manifested, but was unable to communicate effectively.

Eli was present, and immediately went to check out the Woaden Sea. He was immediately attacked by Hunting Deer, and soon after Earth elementals and War Trees joined the fight.

The fight went very poorly for the party. Levi and Kurik both only narrowly avoided being stomped to death by war trees.

The king was torn in half and thrown back into the sea; the party were able to stealthily make their way through the city. Jaqam, lord of bards, and bard of lords, found Thalia and revealed himself as her oldest brother, saying they need to get back to their home.

Session 11

The Sea Priest

After the cavaliers were well out at sea again a priest of Shaefev arrived. He told the cavaliers that his hearkener has sent him, and that if they should succeed in their quest a terrible calamity shall befall the world. He invites all aboard to repent and give up the task of Mocaeis, or face the wrath of Shaefev. The crew were wary of the sea priest and were determined to do as he said, as was Levi. Amisha persuaded the priest that Errol Flynn had the Hearkener's Wine, and he left Levi his spear as a token for Yaalasar's Hearkener before seeking out Errol Flynn.


Upon their arrival in Thelsinosa, they will be stalked by Enicha. She will eavesdrop until she knows what they're up to, and will immediately reveal herself to offer help. She has surprising knowledge of the castle and its defenses, without having the actual experience of having gone in anywhere.

Location Notes

The city is almost entirely elven. There is a tiny slums in the sewers where non-elves are more prominent--primarily humans and halflings. The buildings are tall and graceful, even regular homes have two floors, and there isn't a door in town that isn't three feet taller than necessary, with artistic glass and metal insets in the extra space. The city is small compared to Orosan cities, but it dwarfs its inhabitants. The people here are snooty. This is also the home of the rangers guild, and ranger pairs are common throughout the town.

The castle itself is breathtaking. It features statues of stately elves in place of gargoyles, pouring pitchers of water into the street when it rains; there are flying buttresses, alcoves with heroic statues of Zaerel and elven heroes, and stained glass windows abundantly placed. It also has a strong wall with rangers patrolling it.

Dead, Rumored, and Minor Gods

There are more gods than worshipped in the mortal pantheons (and not all races and peoples honor the same pantheons). This is a list of some that are not typically included in the common pantheons, as well as Isald, who died and was thereafter excluded from the pantheons.


The Deity of Velg

The Triplet Muses


 The Dead God of Fire

Issald was killed in the last war of the gods, which Isald himself instigated. His motives were unknown, but his eye was crucial to his own downfall. As he and Yaalasar camped in Velf to wage war on the Orcish tribes, Luzak snuck in to their camp and stole Isald's Eye, using the piece of the god to create a powerful artifact that allowed her hearkener to see his weakness.

The remaining gods and their armies pushed Isald and Yaalasar back up to Ulbam, where Issald was slain and the war ended.


God of Mischief


 God of Healing


 Goddess of Knowledge

Luzak first arose out of the first words engraved in stone, coming forth as a soft mist that rose from the impressions in the stone tablet. She applauded the efforts of elf who carved it, and offered to teach him logic, writing, and to access the arcane channels, if he would be the first hearkener and spread her knowledge amongst mortal kind. Thus religion was born with Luzak, and she taught the gods as well as mortals.

Luzak is described as a beautiful raven haired woman with rounded ears, which is explained by her priests to mean that she has the form of a human woman, but came into being before humanity arose—however, the description of rounded ears and human form had become traditional. Many of her priests speculate that being a goddess born of written language, she is not actually a woman at all, so to describe her as an elf with round ears no more inaccurate than calling her a human, or even a dwarf or orc. 

Luzak was vital to the ending of the last war of the gods, sneaking into the war camp of Isald and Yaalasar to pluck out Isald's eye. She turned the eye to stone and imbued it with some of her own power, allowing the her hearkener to use it to see the weakness of whoever he chose.

Luzak had lost her memory of her husband Vovaenis in the Forgotten War of the Gods and tended to to flirt with with men and treat women as sisters until she regained her memories  in the War of Traia. While she doesn't laugh or joke loudly, both then and now, she has a quick wit and an appreciation for well worded language. Before her memories returned she wasespecially attracted to Saurians, the first race her husband created.

The priests of Zaerel, while not outrightly rude or hostile towards Luzak or her priesthood, tend to have disdain for the goddess and her priests, and once we're known to say she slept with her hearkener regularly, but this is generally understood to be part of the elitist attitude held by the priesthoods of the individual gods.

Luzak stealing the eye of Issald was vital to Issald and Yaalasar losing the last war of the gods, causing Yaalasar to hate Luzak. The priests of Luzak believe that there is more to it than simply the sting of Yaalasar's pride at losing, and the priests of Yaalasar will initiate a duel often without warning if asked about the topic.

Luzaks temples are more like open libraries, designed for the writing and studying of tomes. Priests are required to teach any who wish to read and to understand mathematics. All books are available for any to read, the only exception being personal books of her priests and books written by Luzak's own hand, kept in the Sacrarium of the temple. All truly advanced nations have at least one temple of Luzak.


 Goddess of War and Honor


 God of Death and Justice


Goddess of Skies and Truth

When she reached adulthood, Zaerel was appointed by her father (Shaefev) to look after the other gods. She took this to mean that it is her place to rule them and establish order both amongst the gods and amongst mortals. Soon after she met Jousus, she married him, and they established the rule of heavens and the law of elves.


Shaefev is the oldest of the gods and creator of the world, though he does not claim a position of authority over the other Gods. He is the father of Zaerel, though they never speak, and he allows her and her husband, Jousus to guide the gods. He is aloof and keeps to himself, tending the creatures that live in his seas and taking little note of most of his worshippers.

Shaefev is the only god who offers immortality to mortals, despite his general indifference towards them. That said, only his most devout followers are granted this blessing, and it typically comes in the form of being changed into a great sea creature. The greatest and father of the leviathans, for example, was once an elf named Inak Solspur, and can easily be summoned by calling his elfin name while at sea. However, he typically eats those who summon him, and it is assumed that that is the sole reason he answers the summons.

The first law of the priesthood is that they may not leave the sea. Land, or even vessels of the land (meaning ships) are forbidden. Temples and churches of Shaefev are always built on the shore so that the entire building is flooded by a minimum of one foot of water. Priests of the order sleep in submerged net hammocks, if they find themselves unable to sleep in the sea directly. The high priests and hearkener live their lives almost entirely out in the open sea, only occasionally visiting these shore-side structures.

About--Please Read

This site is a collection of world lore and story information that your characters would know/remember; there are still secrets from you, and some things in this "wiki" are false, as this is the information that you and your characters have, not a comprehensive list of every fact in this world.

That said, this will be my primary worldbuilding program, so there is also a large amount of information that your character won't know (but could find out about!) that ist rue about the world. So feel free to use this wiki as you will, just make sure to take everything with a grain or two of salt.

A good rule of thumb is that if it relates more to the people, wildlife, and geography of the world rather than to story, it's definitely good. Otherwise, it's your best guess. Leave a comment on anything confusing please!

Sunstone Properties

 Sunstone first appeared at the birth of Loneil at the beginning of the War of Seas (I have not been updating this blog frequently enough, t...