Shaefev is the oldest of the gods and creator of the world, though he does not claim a position of authority over the other Gods. He is the father of Zaerel, though they never speak, and he allows her and her husband, Jousus to guide the gods. He is aloof and keeps to himself, tending the creatures that live in his seas and taking little note of most of his worshippers.
Shaefev is the only god who offers immortality to mortals, despite his general indifference towards them. That said, only his most devout followers are granted this blessing, and it typically comes in the form of being changed into a great sea creature. The greatest and father of the leviathans, for example, was once an elf named Inak Solspur, and can easily be summoned by calling his elfin name while at sea. However, he typically eats those who summon him, and it is assumed that that is the sole reason he answers the summons.
The first law of the priesthood is that they may not leave the sea. Land, or even vessels of the land (meaning ships) are forbidden. Temples and churches of Shaefev are always built on the shore so that the entire building is flooded by a minimum of one foot of water. Priests of the order sleep in submerged net hammocks, if they find themselves unable to sleep in the sea directly. The high priests and hearkener live their lives almost entirely out in the open sea, only occasionally visiting these shore-side structures.
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