Liad—The Lost Race
Little is currently known about the Liad, but those who work with them (Orcs and slaves mostly,) have heard them refer to themselves as the Lost People, and speak of their desires to take back the 'wet' or 'lit' world.
Retractable Blades
The Liad have two blade-like bones that they can retract and conceal into their wrists. These deal Str+d6 damage.
Natural Venom
Liad's wrist-blades are lubricated by a toxic oil produced by glands in the wrist pouch, causing victims to make a vigor roll or be paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. If the vigor roll is a critical failure, they roll on the injury table for a permanent wound (reversible by a successful Greater Healing spell, if otherwise unwounded at the time the spell is cast).
Lost Race/Enemy Race
Since the dawn of mortality, the Liad have lived hunted and alone in the Woaden world of Traia. Even with Traia's help, most can barely speak the languages of the Sky-lit lands. During the War of Traia, Liad suffer a -6 to charisma due to language barriers and being the enemies of literally everyone. After the war ends, they have a -2 due to their being the "Evil Race".
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