Wednesday, April 28, 2021


There are numerous gods known and unknown throughout the world, and many of the gods have numerous religions. In the known world, the "civilized" nations mainly follow the same religions, but throughout the various tribes, clans, villages and monasteries of the land, there are both variations in the religions as well as a larger variety of religion.
For example, the priesthood of Jousus in Thelsinosa treat death somberly, holding quiet, mournful funerals and having great fear of Jousus; at the same time in Meritar—despite technically being the same religion and being home to the Hearkener—funerals are a vibrant celebration of the life of those who moved on, and Jousus is respected as a father figure who guides you to the afterlife.
In truth, Jousus is death an justice embodied, and cares only for how you conducted your life according to the vows you made to others and yourself. This much is evident in speaking with the spirits of those who either evaded Jousus's judgement or were found to be unworthy of a reward or a punishment, and can be found roaming the earth.

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