Wednesday, April 28, 2021


There are numerous gods known and unknown throughout the world, and many of the gods have numerous religions. In the known world, the "civilized" nations mainly follow the same religions, but throughout the various tribes, clans, villages and monasteries of the land, there are both variations in the religions as well as a larger variety of religion.
For example, the priesthood of Jousus in Thelsinosa treat death somberly, holding quiet, mournful funerals and having great fear of Jousus; at the same time in Meritar—despite technically being the same religion and being home to the Hearkener—funerals are a vibrant celebration of the life of those who moved on, and Jousus is respected as a father figure who guides you to the afterlife.
In truth, Jousus is death an justice embodied, and cares only for how you conducted your life according to the vows you made to others and yourself. This much is evident in speaking with the spirits of those who either evaded Jousus's judgement or were found to be unworthy of a reward or a punishment, and can be found roaming the earth.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Session 14

Loneil Hermeson

The morning after the encounter with the warrior monks of Zaerel, a massive field is encountered littered with the corpses of three full grown giants. The corpses are attracting a horde of Scaled Hares, and a large but youthful avion man no older than 18 is mourning the deaths of the giants. They appear to have been killed by thrown boulders and lightning strikes.

The avion introduced himself as Loniel Hermeson, and is seven foot tall with dirty blonde hair. His wing color matches his hair color at the arms but gets browner at the tips and primaries/secondaries. He is wearing simple brown breeches and a silk blue wrap. He carries a wrapped bo staff. He has been searching for the Eye of Issald himself, and is interested to accompany the party.

River God Osmouth

Typically, Osmouth ignores mortals and spends his time wooing Nyads, but his lord and father is missing, so he is flooding the river and searching for salt to give Shaefev a way back to the world. The river was too swollen and violent to cross. A quick search nearby revealed a salt mining town half flooded by the river. Minimal convincing was required for the townsfolk to agree to let Osmuth flood their mine to allow a place for Shaefev to return to. In gratitude for their help, 

Gorklun the Fortune Teller—Diamonds

Camped on the road is an elderly hobgoblin, wearing dreadlocks, gold disk earrings, and a once formal but now patchy maroon captain's coat. He has a covered hand cart that reads FORTUNE TELLER on the side. Based on the paint job, the jangling, and the smells of incense from the cart, he is either a good fortune teller, or a good crook.

When the party arrives, he introduces himself as Gorklun the Fortune Teller, and says he will tell them their fortunes for a petty 1500 gold. After minor debating, and Ahnrik casting detect arcana to see if it's legit, several of the party members ask their fortune. Ahnrik was told that he and his family could be free of the tyranny of Velg, but only depending on his actions. Eli was told he'd  find monsters. Amisha got a real prophecy:

Seek the patronage of Luzak, and the companionship of Velg's Redeemer. Follow the traveller of the skies through the halls of Khalkazar, and mend the broken oaths.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Goddess of Nature

The first daughter of Shaefev is perhaps also the most bizarre, appearing as a centaur in shape, with the head and body of a woman crossed with the body of a horse as is typical. Her front legs however are human, with green and brown feathers covering from the feet up to the hip. The feathers themselves are peculiar, starting as avion-like feathers at the foot and becoming more round and hard until they become actual scales where the leg joins the body. She has the eyes of a large cat, and at times is reported to have wings, which are always said to extend from her human shoulders halfway down her horse back, and to be around fifty feet from tip to tip. Due to the rarity of these sightings, it is argued whether or not she ever has wings, but as sightings of Jegzel are highly rare anyway, and the fact that the commentary on the wings is consistent, many believe that she can choose to have wings or not.
There is a religion that worships Jegzel as their chosen deity, but she has only once been seen at one of her few temples, and has not chosen anyone to be her priests. Some few druids exist however, who claim to see Jegzel in person regularly, and who visit the temple on occasion. Typically these druids are more pretenders than anything, but on some occasions they have a wild glint in their eye that makes those who meet them inclined to believe them.

Sunstone Properties

 Sunstone first appeared at the birth of Loneil at the beginning of the War of Seas (I have not been updating this blog frequently enough, t...