The Hearkener's Prophecy
The Hearkener's Prophecy is a book written by the Hearkener of the God of Life, whose name was Vovaenis. The book contains the religion of Vovaenzol, and thus the history of the creation of the world and of mortal kind. Reading this enlightens Loneil, and he gains a higher level of knowledge of everything from it. Importantly to the party, it ends with the Prophecy, a clear statement of what needs to be done: "I shall build the Godly Tomb, though my God is not dead, but lost, and send them by this word to that Godly Tomb, where they shall restore him. I fear for the survival of the world; if their enemies should prevail at that day, and Traia lose either her power or destroy Shaefev's divinity, then the world, even the universe may fall from their discord—yet Traia's own limited power prevents my writing here the full solution. But as Vovaenis wishes, if they can bring their master to that Godly Tomb, and call him forth by his True Name, he will be restored."
The book is engraved on iron plates, and greatly rusted in many sections. It doesn't contain much more than the non-standard creation story and actual prophecy of the Hearkener.
Vovaenis has been missing since nearly the beginning of civilization. The Chaotic Cavaliers discovered all of what is now known about him, including that Luzak is his wife. Depictions of him nearly always include him embracing Luzak and grinning from ear to ear.