While not the capitol, Drodrugh has been home to the "court" of Velg for several years. There are two prominent factions: Nogrum's Horde, and the Liad, with Nogrum having a slight advantage in power, thanks to the priesthood of Traia. Nogrum himself is away at war with Rocg, and doing well judging by the spoils his armies are sending back. While he is away, the city is being ruled by General Luroz and Silok the High Priestess.
Slave Trading
Luroz oversees the policing and civil projects, primarily slave management, including the auctioning of imported slaves. Slave traders are required to show their Mark of Rights, a tattoo of a chained fist, gained by defeating a gladiator one on one. The mark is made from the blood of the gladiator, should the slaver win, and would-be slavers without one are typically sold as slaves themselves. The current slaver's mark fights feature Saurian Gladiators that have been blinded.
The High Priestess
Silok manages the "Church" of Traia, primarily by conferring the priesthood on willing officers and sacrificing slaves and prisoners. Those who hold the priesthood of Traia are in various states of transformation, between their native race and being a form of earth elemental. The newest initiates have dry cracking skin, leaking blood particularly around the eyes and mouth. Silok herself is little more than an orcess skeleton shrouded in a form of flowing sand. Despite rumors in other nations claiming that Nogrum is Traia's Hearkener, Silok fulfills that role personally. There are rumors that she is working on restoring Traia's power to full strength, however anyone suggesting that Traia is not already the supreme goddess in the presence of a priest is purged, sometimes on the spot, and sometimes as a "volunteer".
Religion of Traia
The doctrine of Traia is straightforward: Shaefev is a liar and a thief, and all traces of him must be purged. As mortals require his influence (water) to survive, they must be purged of him. This is the only, all-important commandment.
The priests also teach those who will listen the "true" history of the gods, that Traia and Shaefev were once the perfect parents of all creation, until Shaefev stole back his heart by infidelity, destroying her at the same time. They teach that his touch ruined Zaerel their daughter, turning her against Traia, and all her children joined the conflict against her.