Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Cult of Kathelia

In 857 Kathelia, a disciple of Luzak, developed a significant following in Melran, claiming to be able to teach people to cast massively powerful spells in a matter of hours. She was also known for her unique ability to predict the future, telling of specific details and the precise moments they would occur.
Kathelia was dark haired and plump even by halfling standards, yet her following grew rapidly and was a matter of great controversy. Kathelia only shared her knowledge and her power with those who swore loyalty to her and secrecy to the order, but her claims were backed by tangible evidence: impoverished laborers became knowledgeable sorcerers overnight, the Manticore of Laraslithu arose from the Dead Lake at twelve minutes past dawn, the same moment that King Juaven publicly tripped and dropped his infant son off the palace balcony. Many of her prophecies were of such unfortunate events, which only strengthened the resolve of her enemies.
To this day it is uncertain how Kathelia predicted the future, as even the prophecies of hearkeners and even their gods are known to fail as the competing efforts of gods and heroes changes fate. Some of her prophecies (such as the simultaneous arrival of the Manticore and death of the Litryn prince) were made years in advance, which caused some to say she arranged things to happen herself, much as the gods do. However, this seems unlikely, as no other known sorcerer including her own followers have ever been able to conjure a beast that could survive the lethal waters of Jousus's own birthplace.
Kathelia was also the first to use dandelion milk to stabilize alchemical spells, earning her the modern title of "mother of alchemy", and in a rare moment of her keeping in with traditional Luzakian principles, she shared that knowledge in the first witches coven. Unfortunately for her, that same knowledge was used to destroy her and her innermost followers, as a priest of Zaerel took it upon himself to rid the world of what he and many others called an evil society.

Session 17--King Orosa and the God of Flight

Having found the Eye of Issald, the party began investigating the hidden library. Remembering 1512 (with a minor hint from the game master), Annira found a tome of the Cult of Kathelia, specifically regarding the end of the Holne Era. Upon her initial investigations of the time, she discovered several references to the party and their adventures, a warning to find the good among the Liad, and mentions that "it would be best for the Eye of Issald to be used by Ahnrik, Annira, or the God of Flight". It is unclear whether this is in reference to the good of the general population or to the purposes of the Cult.

Kurik pulled Ahnrik aside during library reading to tell him that she's been in a bit of a funk, and really doesn't know what's going on, or how it relates to their personal quest to free Velg, or at least their own family. Ahnrik agreed, and persuaded the rest of the party that they should turn their attention to Velg. Loniel said he was willing to also investigate Velg, as he was concerned that events there would affect his personal goals.

Quest goals established, the party left the private library, and found dozens of men holding boards, bricks, hammers, and other tools and materials, but they weren't actually accomplishing anything. The foreman addressed the party, angrily demanding why they weren't helping with the top priority construction of the new wing. Annira immediately grabbed a brick to fit in, and Thalia immediately bolted for the door. After a fight that included people grabbing bricks, workers ganging up on Thalia, and everyone killing construction workers (who puffed into mist), the party followed the sound of the best music they had ever heard into a small chamber.
The music was being played by the triplet gods of music. After having Akari play some music for them, they agreed to take her on as a student, although they couldn't decide how they were going to go about that. They gave her an ocarina and said they'd be in touch. 

Finally, the party escaped the castle. Upon exiting, they came face to face with the ghost of King Orosa, who demanded a subject to possess, which would allow him to leave the castle boundaries. Everyone denied, so he decided to take an unwilling host. He threw rocks at everyone simultaneously, dealing all but (Eli? Levi?) two wounds. Loniel intervened and banished the ghost to a piece of rubble doorknob. He then came clean with the party, saying that if they were already willingly putting themselves in so much danger then there was no real reason to keep his identity secret. He then healed everyone's wounds, including growing back Levi's leg.

Annira took the Eye of Issald, the cursed doorknob, and Tome 1512 with her Thalia took Tome 1.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Session 16: The Eye of Issald

 Continuing their search, the party encountered a gelatinous cube, found a secret passage to the throne room, and ignored an amazing smelling meal in the kitchen.

A drake was coiled up and ending its hibernation in the Throne Room. Annira found a slot in the throne for the three glass balls she took, and promptly placed them inside. Three magical auras were released, two shooting out into the castle, and one going into Anira, showing her a path. Following the path led the party to a secret library which contained a handful of books of Luzak and 1600 numbered tomes. A quick search of the room led the party to find the Eye of Issald.

The Hearkener's Spear tried to force Anira to replace her own eye with the Eye of Issald, but she successfully resisted it.

Session 15--Stagwell & Castle Orosa

Ahnrik's Vision

In a half dream half trance during the river ride to Stagwell, Luzak appears to Ahnrik in a way that feels half real. She appears in her natural form, and addresses him by name and runs her hand up the side of his face, pausing to carress the base of his horns. He did not like that.

The Statue of Kathelia

As Annira examined it, the statue whipped its head around, hair flailing, looked her dead in the eye and said "remember fifteen hundred and twelve." Then it winked, and went back to normal. In its left hand the statue held a bone flute, sharpened at the end, which Thalia took.
After some investigation of the room, the ghost of King Orosa appeared. He wasn't happy to see them, but after some conversation, he was persuaded to go back to his investigations--of whatever he does in his spare time.

Leaving the Study

On the way back out, Ahnrik found three enchanted glass balls, which Anira took.

Sunstone Properties

 Sunstone first appeared at the birth of Loneil at the beginning of the War of Seas (I have not been updating this blog frequently enough, t...